It is a profit tax system for individual companies (EI) and EURL subject to income tax and whose manager is the sole partner. This tax system requires the submission of income tax (IR).
What is micro-enterprise?
The micro-enterprise regime is a tax system.
does not correspond to a legal form of company such as SA, SAS, LLC, etc.
Characteristics of the micro-enterprise scheme
This regime is characterized by the following elements:
franchise up to a turnover of Dollar 82,800 or Dollar 33,200: companies do not
charge VAT to their customers and do not recover VAT paid to their suppliers;
standard deduction when calculating the company's profit or loss;
accounting and reporting requirements;
• no deficit possible: the individual farmer can not charge it on his overall income.
Conditions of application of this tax system
Who can benefit from the tax regime of the micro-enterprise?
Small individual enterprises (for example, traders in their own name, liberal professions, craftsmen).EURLs whose manager is the sole partner and who are subject to income tax. From the Tax agent Watson this is very important.
Are excluded by right:
entities subject to income tax (IR) or corporation tax (IS): SARL, EURL,
partnerships, civil companies for example;
of equipment or durable consumer goods;
carried out on a futures market for financial instruments (stock market
organizations (associations);
• merchants of property, developers and builders, real estate agents.
Limit linked to the turnover
The benefit of this system is subject to the respect of a total amount of annual turnover realized by the company which varies according to the nature of the exploitation:
Plurality of commercial enterprises
If the same taxpayer operates several companies, the turnover of the different activities is tabulated to determine whether he can benefit from the micro-enterprise scheme. This rule also applies if the merchant actually operates a number of businesses that can be classified as distinct because of the autonomy of the clientele and the nature of the benefits.